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Identity and Mission of Hispanic (USA) Catholics, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Origins, (1980)
Prophets Denied Honor: An Anthology on the Hispano Church of the United States, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Maryknoll, NY, (1980)
Religious Celebrations for the Quinceañera, Erevia, Angela , San Antonio, TX, (1980)
Spiritual care of Puerto Rican migrants, Ferree, William; Illich, Ivan; Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Hispanics in the United States, New York, p.245 p. in various pagings, (1980)
Vivir la Palabra de Dios, Herrera, Marina , Living the Word of God, (1980)
Proclaiming a Fascinating God, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, Summer, (1979)
The Hispanic Challenge, Herrera, Marina , Religious Education, September-Octobe, Volume 74, Number 5, (1979)
What is Multicultural Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, March, (1979)
Silent Women Will Never Be Heard, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Missiology: An International Review, July, Volume VII, Number 3, p.295-301, (1979)
A Hispanic Catechetical Project, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, April, (1979)
Death and Funerals in the Mexican American Community, Erevia, Angela , PACE, Number 10, (1979)
Hispanic Intermarriage in New York City, 1975, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P.; Gurak, Douglas T. , Monograph / Hispanic Research Center, Volume 2, Bronx, N.Y., p.x, 100 p., (1979)
Methodology and Themes for Hispanic Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Washington, DC, (1979)
Our Legacy: the first fifty years, Sandoval, Moises , Washington, D.C., p.102 p., (1979)
La Familia: Channel of faith and culture, Ramírez, Ricardo , La Luz, October, Volume 7, Number 10, p.20-22, (1978)
Hispanics in the Church: issues and visions, Herrera, Marina , Military Chaplains' Review, Fall, (1978)
Environment at the Service of the Ambiente, Ramírez, Ricardo , Liturgy, p.21-23, (1978)
Hispanic Challenges to the Church, Sandoval, Moises , Washington, DC, p.iii, 92 p., (1978)
Mexican Americans Sing Because They Feel Like Singing, Rosas, Carlos , Pastoral Music, June-July, Volume 1, Number 5, p.14-17, (1977)
Liturgy from the Mexican American Perspective, Ramírez, Ricardo , Worship, July, Number 51, p.293-298, (1977)
Worship in the Context of Hispanic Culture, Escamilla, Roberto , Worship, July, Volume 51, p.290-293, (1977)
Hispanics and the Roman Catholic Church, Breiter, Toni , Agenda , January-February, Volume 7, Number 1, p.4-9, (1977)
Hispanic Americans and the Church in the Northeast: response to a survey, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P.; González, Roberto O. , New York, NY, p.89 leaves, (1977)
Is the Prophet Speaking Spanish?, Ramírez, Ricardo , Living Worship, p.1-14, (1977)
Latinization in the U.S.: a study of the Hispanic population explosion and its implications for the nation's foreign and domestic policies, Sandoval, Moises , New York, p.4 pts. in 1 v, (1977)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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