
Found 2543 results

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Catechetical Institutes for Lay Hispanics, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, May-June, (1980)
Catechetics for a Multicultural Society, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, April, (1980)
Conference on Native American Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, (1979)
Christianity and Culture: An Introduction to Pastoral Theology and Ministry for the Bicultural Community, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Huntington, IN, (1975)
Church views of the Mexican American, Cortes, Carlos , The Mexican American, New York, NY, p.1 v. (various pagings) illus. 23 cm., (1974)
Chicano Literature: A Survey Course, Deck, Allan Figueroa , La Luz, November, (1974)
Catholicism, Assimilation, and the Chicano Movement: Los Angeles as a case study, McNamara, Patrick H. , Chicanos and Native Americans, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, (1973)
Culture, Tomorrow's Parish and the Church Today, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Ave Maria, April 9, Volume 106, Number 8, p.16-18, (1965)
Cartas a Elpidio (selección), Varela, Félix , Biblioteca popular de clásicos cubanos, Volume 3, Habana, p.142 p. 18 cm., (1960)
Christianizing Mexican Catholics, Lucey, Robert E. , America, August, Number 77, p.541, (1947)
Cartas a Elpidio sobre la impiedad, la superstición y el fanatismo en sus relaciones con la sociedad, Varela, Félix; Piñera, Humberto; Lazo, Raimundo , Obras de Félix Varela y Morales Biblioteca de autores cubanos; 5-6, Volume Vol. VI, Habana, (1944)
Cartas a Elpidio, sobre la impiedad, la superstición y el fanatismo en sus relaciones con la sociedad, Varela, Félix , New York, p.2 v., (1835)
Christology, Latino Views of, González, Michelle A. , The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity , Cambridge
De la Cruz, Sor Juana, González, Michelle A. , Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies, Collegeville, MN, (2007)
Dead Reckoning or Reckoning with the Dead: Hispanic Catholic Funeral Customs, Davis, Kenneth G. , Liturgy, Volume 21, Number 1, p.21-27, (2006)
Don y Promesa: Costumbres y Tradiciones en los Ritos Matrimoniales Hispanos, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl; Lucatero, Heliodoro; Sanchez, Sylvia , Washington, DC; Portland, OR, (2005)
Dal Messico Verso La Terra Promessa, Groody, Daniel G. , Missione Oggi , Ottobre 8, 2005, Brescia Italy, (2005)
Divine Alimentation: gastroeroticism and eucharistic desire, Mendez Montoya, Angel F. , Hunger, Bread and Eucharist , London, p.110 p., (2005)
Devociones populares, celebradas por los hispanos, Rodríguez, Isaías , New York, NY, p.125 pp., (2005)
Dios Nos Habla: oficios de oración y reflexión biblica, Rodríguez, Isaías , New York, NY, p.38 p. ; 22 cm., (2005)
Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe among Mexican Americans, Rodríguez, Jeanette , Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience, Lanham, MD, (2005)
Die befreiende Vision von Medellín in der Feministischen Theologie, Aquino, María Pilar , Win Tragen die Farbe der Erde: Neue Theologische Beiträge aus Lateinamerika, Hamburg, Germany, p.163-183, (2004)
Diccionario Ilustrado de Intérpretes de la Fe: Viente Siglos de Pensamiento Cristiano, Gonzalez, Justo L.; Cardoza-Orlandi, Carlos F. , Barcelona, (2004)
Do We Have Inculturated Liturgies?, Icaza, Rosa María , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.17-24, (2004)
Deconstructing "Nahualismo" in Mexico-American Theology, Avalos, Hector , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Volume 10, Number 4, p.45-63, (2003)

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