
Found 2543 results

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Chicano Clergy and the Emergence of Liberation Theology, Cadena, Gilbert R. , Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Number 2, p.107-121, (1989)
Catechetical Strategies for a Multicultural Church, Herrera, Marina , Alive in Jesus Manuel, Boston, MA, (1989)
Catholic Celebration: a reflection on the liturgical renewal, Icaza, Rosa María , San Antonio, TX, (1989)
Church Empowerment, Liberation Theology and the Jewish Experience: A Latin American Catholic Perspective , Maduro, Otto , Christian Jewish Relations, Volume 21, Number 1, p.25-31, (1988)
Criterios para las celebraciones litúrgicas en las comunidades hispanas, Sosa, Juan J. , Miami, FL, (1988)
Cave of the Jagua: The Mythological World of the Taínos, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Albuquerque, NM, (1988)
Case-Study: Catechesis of Hispanics in the United States Today, Aymes, María de la Cruz , Creative Inculturation and the Unity of Faith, Rome, (1987)
Christian Democracy and the Liberating Option for the Oppressed in Latin American Catholicism, Maduro, Otto , Concilium, Volume 193, p.106-119, (1987)
Cahensly Revisited? The National Pastoral Encounter of America's Hispanic Catholics, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Migration Today, Fall, Volume XV, Number 3, p.16-19, (1987)
Chicanos, Catholicism and Political Ideology, Mosqueda, L. J. , Lanham, MD, (1986)
Call and Discipleship: Toward a Reexaminiation of the Shape and Character of Christian Discipleship in the New Testament, Segovia, Fernando F. , Discipleship in the New Testament, Philadelphia, PA, p.1-23, (1985)
Conditions and Criteria for Authentic Inter-Cultural Theological Dialogue, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Different Theologies, Common Responsibility: Babel or Pentecost?, Volume 194, Edinburgh, p.18-24, (1984)
Condiciones y criterios para un dialogo teologico intercultural, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Concilium, Number 191, p.45, (1984)
Christian Challenge and the Disadvantaged, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Linacre Quarterly, Aug, Volume 50, p.242-245, (1983)
Church and Peace, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Greinacher, Norbert , Volume 164, Edinburgh; New York, p.viii, 84 p., (1983)
Carisma y misión, Espín, Orlando O. , Madrid, (1983)
Celebrations for a Multicultural Church, Herrera, Marina , Momentum: Journal of the National Catholic Educational Association, February, p.30-32, (1983)
Communicating Faith in a Multicultural Society, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Sep, Volume 17, p.46, (1983)
Catholic Church, National Security States, and Popular Movements in Latin America, Maduro, Otto , International Conference on the Sociology of Religion: Acts of the 17th Conference: Religion and the Public Domain, Paris, France, p.7-19, (1983)
Church Structures for The Hispanics, Sandoval, Moises , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.413-438, (1983)
Churches in Socialist Societies of Eastern Europe, Greinacher, Norbert; Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Concilium, Volume 154, Edinburgh; New York, p.x, 80 p., (1982)
Cuban Americans: Masters of Survival, Llanes, Jose , Cambridge, MA, (1982)
City as Symbol in Aztec Thought: the clues from the Codex Mendoza, Carrasco, Davíd , History of Religions, F, Volume 20, p.199-223, (1981)
Creemos en Jesucristo, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Martinez, Dolorita; Rosas, Carlos; Villanueva, Daniel , Ligouri, MO, (1981)
Celibate Love and Sexuality, Kemper, John C. , Priest, Jul-Aug, Volume 37, p.39-44, (1981)

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