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Filters: keyword is Undocumented immigrants -- Social conditions.  [Clear All Filters]
Undocumented Migration and Religious Experience: A Theological Interpretation of the Mexican-American Border, Groody, Daniel G. , Encountering Transcendence: Contributions to a Theology of Christian Religious Experience, Leuven, Belgium, p.359-372, (2005)
Una Perspectiva Cristiana Sobre al Imigración Ilegal, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Christus, November, México, (1979)
A Christian Perspective on the Reality of Illegal Immigration, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Social Thought, Fall, p.39-53, (1978)
Alambrista and the U.S.-Mexico Border: film, music, and stories of undocumented immigrants, Cull, Nicholas John; Carrasco, Davíd , Albuquerque, NM, (2004)

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