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The Reason for Our Hope: a theological anthropology, Viladesau, Richard R. , New York, NY, p.xii, 240 p., (1984)
Christianity and culture.
Grace and Humanness: Theological Reflections Because of Culture, Espín, Orlando O. , Maryknoll, NY, (2007)
Response to Miguel Díaz's "Turning to a context: Latino/a anthropology and its communal vision of reality", Migliore, Daniel L. , Perspectivas: Hispanic Theological Initiative Occasional papers, Fall 2002, Number Six, Princeton, NJ, (2002)
Vivir en la gratitud: Elizondo's Contribution to Theological Anthropology, Mendoza-Alvarez, Carlos , Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends, Maryknoll, NY, p.189-198, (2000)
Feminist/Feminista Theology
Including Women's Experience: a Latina Feminist Perspective, Aquino, María Pilar , In the Embrace of God: Feminist Approaches to Theological Anthropology, Maryknoll, NY, p.51-70, (1995)
Nosso Clamor Pela Vida. Teología Latino Americana A Partir da Perspectiva da Mulher, Aquino, María Pilar , São Paulo, Brasil, (1996)
Feminist/feminista theology
Feminist Thought and Systematic Theology, Turner, Pauline; Cooke, Bernard , Horizons: Journal of the College Theology Society, Spr, Volume 11, p.125-135, (1984) Abstract
Hans Urs von Balthasar and Contemporary Feminist Theology, Gonzalez, Michelle A. , Theological Studies, S, Volume 65, Number 3, p.566-596, (2004)
Feminist/feminista Theology
"One Is Not Born a Latina, One Becomes One": The Construction of the Latina Feminist Theologian in Latino/a Theology, González, Michelle A. , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Feb, Volume 10, Number 3, p.5-30, (2003)
One Is Not Born a Latina, One Becomes One: The Construction of the Latina Feminist Theologian in Latino/a Theology, González, Michelle A. , Rethinking Latino/a Religions and Identity, Feb, Number 3, Cleveland, OH, (2006)
Feminist/Feminista Theology
Nuestro Clamor por la Vida: Teología Latinoamericana de la Liberación desde la Perspectiva de la Mujer, Aquino, María Pilar , San José, Costa Rica, p.244 p, (1992)
Our Cry for Life: Feminist Theology from Latin America, Aquino, María Pilar , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 254, (1993)
De la cuestion del hombre a la cuestion de Dios : Kant, Feuerbach, Heidegger, Alfaro, Juan I. , Gregorianum, Volume 63, Number 2, p.211-272, (1982)
Latino/Hispanic Theology
Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective , Garcia, Jorge E. , Malden, MA, (2000)
We Are a People! Initiatives in Hispanic-American Theology, Goizueta, Roberto S. , Minneapolis, MN, p.xxi, 164, (1992)
Man's Capacity for Grace and Conversion in the Writings of Bernard Lonergan, S.J., Viladesau, Richard R. , Roma, p.79 p., (1975)
Mestizaje -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
A New Mestizaje/Mulatez: Reconceptualizing Difference, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins, Maryknoll, NY, p.203-219, (2001)
Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC)
Discovering a People, Gutierrez, Gustavo , Listening: Journal of Religion and Culture, Fall, Volume 32, Number 3, p.174-178, (1997)
Mujerista theology
The Cultural Identity of the Latina Woman: The Cross-Disciplinary Perspective of Mujerista Theology, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities, Volume II, New York, NY, p.93-116, (1995)
Elements of a Mujerista Anthropology, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , In the Embrace of God : Feminist Approaches to Theological Anthropology, Maryknoll, NY, p.92-102, (1995)
On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian perspectives (Miguel H. D
The Caress of the Doer of the Word: A Postcolonial Critique of Miguel Díaz’s On Being Human, Abraham, Susan , Philosophy & Theology, Volume 16, Number 1, p.115-129, (2004)
Miguel Díaz’s On Being Human: Popular Religion and Karl Rahner, Barnes, Michael H. , Philosophy & Theology, Volume 16, Number 1, p.131-40, (2004)
An Appreciation and a Critique in a Discussion of On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives, Gromada, Conrad T. , Philosophy & Theology, Volume 16, Number 1, p.131-40, (2004)
Pope John Paul II
Work, Worship, Laborem Exercens, and the United States Today, Schultze, George E. , Logos, Fall, Volume 5, Number 4, p.25-48, (2002)
Popular religion
Fiesta: Life in the Subjunctive, Goizueta, Roberto S. , From the Heart of our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology, Maryknoll, NY, p.84-99, (1999)

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