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Religion and Culture
One Faith, Many Cultures, Erevia, Angela , Religion Teacher's Journal, Apr-May, Volume 31, p.34-35, (1997)
One Church, Many Cultures: challenge of diversity, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Kansas City, MO, p.205 p., (1987)
La Raza Cósmica: Rediscovering the Hispanic Soul, Deck, Allan Figueroa , The Critic, Spr, Volume 37, Number 3, p.46-53, (1993)
Culture, Spirituality, and U.S. Hispanics, Hinojosa, Juan Lorenzo , Frontiers of Hispanic Theology in the United States, Maryknoll, NY, p.154-164, (1992)
Ashé-Sê y lo fundamental en el Vodú, Espín, Orlando O. , Estudios Sociales, Volume 59, p.17-30, (1985)
Religion and Politics
Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Espinosa, Gaston; Miranda, Jesse , New York, NY, p.350pp, (2005)
Religious Vocations
Formation in Religious Communities, Méndez, Veronica , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.67-78, (1995)
Sociology of Religion
'Magico-Popular Religion' in Contemporary Society: towards a post-western sociology of religion, Parker, Cristian; Mejido, Manuel J. , Theorising Religion: classical and contemporary debates, Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT, p.60-74 , (2006)
Theological Education
The Multicultural Seminary: Need for Kenosis, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Priest, January, Volume 45, p.35-39, (1989)
Tradition -- theology of
Traditioning: Culture, Daily Life and Popular Religion, and Their Impact on Christian Tradition, Espín, Orlando O. , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.1-22, (2006)
La Quinceañera: Traditioning and the Social Construction of the Mexican American Female, Torres, Theresa , Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition, Maryknoll, NY, p.277-298, (2006)
Chicanos, Culture, and the Borderlands: Reflections on worship, Flores, Richard R. , Modern Liturgy, Volume 18, Number 9, p.16-17, (1991)

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