
Found 6 results

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Filters: keyword is Quincentenary of Columbus  [Clear All Filters]
1492-1992: The Voice of the Victims, Elizondo, Virgilio P.; Boff, Leonardo , Concilium, Philadelphia, PA, (1990)
500 Years of..., Ramírez, Ricardo , Apuntes, Summer, Number 12, p.98-107, (1992)
El V Centenario: Un Encuentro en la Oración, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgia y Canción, p.5-7, (1992)
The Trashing of the Fifth Centenary, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, 19 December, Volume 167, p.499-501, (1992)
The Fifth Centenary: a historical encounter with prayer, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgia y Canción, Volume 3, Number 4, p.8-19, (1992)
The Fifth Century of Evangelization in the Americas, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Liturgy, Fall, Volume 9, Number 4, p.27-33, (1991)

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