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Puerto Ricans -- Religious life and customs
Aspects of Puerto Rican Religious Experience: A Sociohistorical Overview., Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition, Notre Dame, IN, p.159-164, (1996)
Puerto Rican Struggles in the Catholic Church, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Historical Perspectives on Puerto Rican Survival in the United States, Princeton, NJ, p.155-165, (1996)
A Case for the Puerto Ricans, the forgotten people, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Union Seminary Quarterly Review, Volume 56, Number 1-2, p.178-186, (2002)
The Puerto Rican Experience in the United States: A Pastoral Perspective, Zapata, Dominga M. , Dialogue Rejoined: Theology and Ministry in the United States Hispanic Reality, Collegeville, MN, p.43-60, (1995)
The Dilemma of Social Research and Social Policy: the Puerto Rican case, 1953-1993, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities, Volume II, New York, NY, p.173-181, (1995)
Puerto Ricans -- United States.
Puerto Ricans in the United States, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M.; Ramírez, Ana María Días , The Minority Report, New York, NY, p.219, (1982)
Anomie and the Quest for Community: the formation of sects among Puerto Ricans in New York, Poblete, Renato; O'Dea, Thomas F. , American Catholic Sociological Review, Spring, Number 21, p.18-36, (1960)

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