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Preaching to Generation X, Alvarez, Victor , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.120-139, (2000)
Seized and Saturated by Gift: Living for Others, Deck, Allan Figueroa , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.11-17, (2006)
Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Davis, Kenneth G.; Peréz, Leopoldo , Scranton, PA, p.xv, 228 p., (2005)
Preacher, Exegete Thyself: to those who preach in Spanish as a second language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Church, Fall, Volume 19, Number 3, p.25-26, (2003)
Preaching in Spanish: symbols and 'santos', Davis, Kenneth G.; Sanchez, David , Ministry & Liturgy, Volume 30, Number 4, p.12-14, (2003)
Cross-Cultural Preaching, Davis, Kenneth G. , Chicago Studies, Winter, Volume 39, Number 3, p.233-253, (2000)
Cross Cultural Preaching, Davis, Kenneth G. , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, (2000)
Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Davis, Kenneth G.; Presmanes, Jorge , Chicago, IL, (2000)
When a Bilingual Preacher is Made, Not Born, Davis, Kenneth G. , AIM: Liturgy Resources, Winter, p.18-19, (1999)
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Misa, Mesa y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, (1997)
Preaching in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.90-93, (1995)
Preaching in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Homiletic, Summer, Volume XVII, Number 1, p.7-10, (1992)
Seven Last Words, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Púlpito: an introduction to Hispanic preaching, Nashville, TN, (2005)
A Child in a Manger: The Beginning of a New Order of Existence, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Proclaiming the Acceptable Year: Sermons from the perspective of liberation theology, Valley Forge, PA, p.64-70, (1982)
Preaching and the Quinceañera, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preach: Enlivening the Pastoral Art, March/April, (2005)
"Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish" (1993): Suggestions for Civil/Liturgical Occasions, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.68, (2005)
Preaching the Rituals Among Hispanics, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Chicago Studies, Fall/Winter, Volume 39, Number 3, p.295-311, (2000)
Preaching the Rituals Masses among Latinos, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Fall/Winter, Number 3, Chicago, IL, p.103-119, (2000)
Reflexiones Sobre las Lecturas para el Decimo-Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario - 2 de Agosto de 1992, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , La Red, December, Milwaukee, WI, (1992)
Images Proclaim the Word, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, April-May, p.68, (1985)
La Palabra de Dios en Espiritu y Vida, Herrera, Marina , Spirit and Life, (1981)
Vivir la Palabra de Dios, Herrera, Marina , Living the Word of God, (1980)
Proclaiming a Fascinating God, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, Summer, (1979)
Living and Sharing the Word among Hispanics, Icaza, Rosa María , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.27-40, (2000)
Participative Preaching: Laity as Co-Authors of the Homily, Iglesias, Maria Luisa , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.62-74, (2000)

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