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Filters: keyword is Multiculturalism -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.  [Clear All Filters]
Christian education
The Many Approaches to Multicultural Education, Herrera, Marina , Momentum, Apr-May, Volume 25, p.7-11, (1994)
Christian Education
Benevolent Tolerance or Humble Reverence? a vision for multicultural religious education (1997), Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Beyond Borders: Writings of Virgilio Elizondo and Friends, Maryknoll, NY, p.87-97, (2000)
Christianity and culture.
Enriched by Diversity: inculturation and catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Oct, Volume 35, Number 2, p.54-58, (2001)
The Lord's Revelation is for and to all cultures, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Sep, Volume 16, p.38-9, (1982)
Church work with Hispanic Americans.
Hispanics: How can the Church respond to their presence?, Herrera, Marina , PACE, April and May, Number 12, (1982)
Comparative Studies
World Religions: a sourcebook for students of Christian theology, Viladesau, Richard R.; Massa, Mark Stephen , Mahwah, NJ, p.ix, 276 p., (1994)
Culture -- as source of theology
Christianity and Culture: An Introduction to Pastoral Theology and Ministry for the Bicultural Community, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Huntington, IN, (1975)
We Are Not Your Diversity, We Are the Church!: ecclesiological reflections from the marginalized many , Nanko-Fernandez, Carmen M. , Perspectivas: Hispanic Theological Initiative Occasional papers, Fall, Number 10, Princeton, NJ, (2006)
The Pastor and the Theologian, San Pedro, Enrique , The Multicultural Church: A New Landscape in U.S. Theologies, New York, NY, p.140-151, (1996)
De un Encuentro Intereligioso a un Nuevo Ecumenismo, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Cristianismo y Liberacíon: Homenaje a Casiano Floristán, Madrid, Spain , p.65-82, (1996)
Response to Orlando Espín, Collins, Mary , The Multicultural Church: a new landscape in U.S. theologies, New York, NY, p.72-78, (1996)
Eucharist/Eucharistic Theology
Pastoral Ministry in a Multicultural Society, Urrabazo, Rosendo , Modern Liturgy, Apr, Volume 21, p.6-8, (1994)
Why Would Lutherans Celebrate the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe? A Theological Meditation, Johnson, Max , The Treasure of Guadalupe, Lanham, MD, p.87-96, (2006)
Hispanic American Catholics -- Religious life.
One Faith, Many Cultures, Davis, Kenneth G. , St Anthony Messenger, June, Volume 114, Number 1, p.25-28, (2006)
Hispanic American Catholics
The Hispanic Presence in the Church in the United States, Albacete, Lorenzo , Origins, August, Number 25, p.157-161, (1995)
Hispanic Catholics in the United States: No Melting Pot in Sight, Matovina, Timothy M. , America, March 16, Number 164, p.289-290, (1991)
Multiculturalism as an Ideology, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.28-34, (1995)
Hispanic Americans -- Religious life and experience
Melting and Dreaming in America: Visions and Re-visions, Segovia, Fernando F. , A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins, Maryknoll, NY, p.228-268, (2001)
Inculturation and Multi-culturalism, Lovrien, Peggy , Ministry & Liturgy, September, Volume 26, Number 7, p.12-14, (1999)
Liturgy -- Adaptation
Renewal and Inculturation, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgy: a journal of the Liturgical Conference, Winter, Volume 9, Number 2, p.17-23, (1990)
Checklist for Multicultural and Multilingual Worship, Rubio, José Antonio , Liturgy, Spr, Volume 14, p.22-26, (1998)
Liturgy -- Language
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , AIM: Liturgy Resources, Winter, p.22-24, (1995)
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Misa, Mesa y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, (1997)
Liturgy -- Texts
Textos Liturgicos para los Catolicos Hispanos en los Estados Unidos, Sosa, Juan J. , Liturgia y Canción, Tiempo Ordinario, Volume 9, Number 3, p.12-21, (1998)
Mary of Nazareth in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Herrera, Marina , Pace, May, (1986)

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