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Church work with migrant labor.
Spiritual care of Puerto Rican migrants, Ferree, William; Illich, Ivan; Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Hispanics in the United States, New York, p.245 p. in various pagings, (1980)
Christian Education
Educación Religiosa Para el Mexico-Norteamericano, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Catequesis Latino-americana , Jan-March, Volume 4, Mexico, p.83-86, (1972)
The Mexican American Religious Education Experience, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Ethnicity in the Education of the Church, June, p.75-89, (1987)
Central Americans -- religious experience
Challenges to the Pastoral Care of Central Americans in the United States, Davis, Kenneth G. , Apuntes, Summer, Volume 17, Number 2, p.45-56, (1997)
Challenges to the Pastoral Care of Central Americans, Davis, Kenneth G. , Bridging Boundaries: the pastoral care of U.S. Hispanics, Scranton, PA, (2000)
Catholic Church -- Clergy
A Priest Forever, López, Antonio , Columbia, Volume 83, Number 9, p.10, (2003)
Catholic Church -- Liturgy
Advertencia a la tercera edición en español, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , El Misterio de Fe: Estudio de los Elementos Estructurales del Ordinario de la Misa, Washington, DC, (1996)
Catholic Church -- Middle West -- History.
Deserts, Diversity, and Self-Determination: A history of the Catholic Parish in the intermountain west, Jensen, Carol , The American Catholic Parish, Volume Vol. 2, New York, NY, p.137-276, (1987)
Catholic Church -- Rites -- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RICA entre los Hispanos/The RCIA Among the Hispanics, Icaza, Rosa María , Liturgia y Canción, 10 de junio-8 de, Number Tiempo Ord, p.5-8, (1990)
Catholic Church -- United States -- Membership.
The U.S. Catholic Church and its Hispanic Members: the pastoral vision of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, Privett, Stephen A. , San Antonio, TX, (1988)
Catholic Church -- United States.
Raices y alas de la evangelizacion de la juventud latina/Roots and Wings of the Evangelization of Latino Youth, Cervantes, Carmen María , Construyendo Nuestra Esperanza, Volume 5, Number Summer, p.1-10, (1992)
Youth and Evangelization, Cervantes, Carmen María , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.53-58, (1995)
Weaving the Tapestry: The Task of the Church in the U.S., Ramirez, Ricardo , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.6-16, (2004)
Anglo Minister in Black/Hispanic/Ethnic Communities, Roache, J. , New Catholic World, Volume 225, (1982)
American Catholic Culture and Vocation Ministry, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors , Sept 18-23, p.16-22, (1994)
Catholic Church
What is the Ethnicity of the Catholic Church?, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Priest, November, Volume 32, Number 11, p.37-41, (1976)
Catechetics -- Catholic Church.
A Look at Confirmation Through 'Spanish' Eyes, Viramontes-Gutierrez, Theresa , Confirming the Faith of Adolescents, Mahwah, NJ, p.96-106, (1991)
Sharing Scripture with the Non-Print Oriented, Herrera, Marina , Liturgy, 31-5, Volume 2, Number 3, (1982)

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