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Ministry in a Multicultural Setting, Hinojosa, Juan Lorenzo , Resource, Number 13, (1985)
Ministry and Education in Conversation, Boys, Mary C. , Winona, MN, p.133 p., (1981)
Ministry in Education from a Pastoral-Theological Perspective, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Ministry and Education in Conversation, Winona, MN, p.45-73, (1981)
Ministry with Young Adult Women, Tarango, Yolanda , Call to Growth in Ministry, Fall, Volume 6, Number 1, (1980)
Ministry to Hispano Mexicano/Chicano Youth, Basso, Teresita , Resources for Youth Ministry, New York, NY, p.190-201, (1978)
Ministry to Farm Workers: Experiences in Advocacy, Romero, Juan , Notre Dame Journal of Education, Summer, p.184-191, (1974)
Language, Community, and Identity, Nanko-Fernández, Carmen M. , Handbook of Latina/o Theologies, St. Louis, MO, p.265-275, (2006)
Latino Clergy and Churches in Faith-Based Political and Social Action in the United States, Espinosa, Gaston , Latino Religions and Civic Activism in the United States, New York, NY, p.279-306, (2005)
Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Chicago, IL, (2004)
La creación: Fuente de vida para el ministerio, Fernández, Eduardo C. , Camino a Emaús: Compartiendo el ministerio de Jesús, Minneapolis, MN, p.83-81, (2002)
La parroquia urbana, Bravo, Benjamin , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 6, Number 4, p.19-56, (1999)
Las Bodas de Plata de Una Lluvia de Oro, Davis, Kenneth G. , Theology Digest, Fall, Volume 44, Number 3, p.203-212, (1997)
Let Me Share a Journey With You, Fernández, Eduardo C. , The Rio Grande Catholic, December, Volume 6, Number 6, (1996)
Latinas and the Church, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the United States, Notre Dame, IN, p.240-277, (1994)
Latino Youth and the Church, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the United States, Notre Dame, IN, p.278-307, (1994)
Let's Capture the Hispanic Imagination, García-Rivera, Alejandro , U.S. Catholic, July, Number 59, p.34-35, (1994)
Lay Initiatives in Worship on the Texas Frontera, 1830-1860, Matovina, Timothy M. , U.S. Catholic Historian, Fall, Volume 12, p.107-120, (1994)
Las Hermanas, Matovina, Timothy M.; Tarango, Yolanda , Informes de las Hermanas, October 8, p.1-8, (1994)
Las Hermanas, Matovina, Timothy M.; Tarango, Yolanda , Hispanics in the Church: Up from the Cellar, San Francisco, CA, p.95-120, (1994)
Latino Churches and Schools as Urban Battlegrounds, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M.; Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Handbook of Schooling in Urban America, Westport, CT, p.245-270, (1993)
La Voz Juvenil de un Pueblo en Marcha / The Youth Voice of a People on the Go, Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.163-169 (Spanish); 336-342 (English), (1992)
La Eclesiología del Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano / The Ecclesiology of the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, Linskens, John , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.101-114 (Spanish); 277-289 (English), (1992)
La Familia Hispana y el Plan Pastoral / Hispanic Family and the Pastoral Plan, Torres, Baldomero; Torres, Mavi , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.122-133 (Spanish); 297-307 (English), (1992)
Las mandas: señales de confianza en Dios, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , El Mensajero Católico, 13 November, (1988)
Leadership Development in the Hispanic Community, Gaston, Maria Luisa , Faith and Culture: A Multicultural Catechetical Resource, Washington, DC, p.33-44, (1987)

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