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Hispanic American Catholics -- Religious life.
Searching for the Sacred: Conflict and Struggle for Mexican American Catholics in the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego, 1936-1941, López Pulido, Alberto , Latino Studies Journal, September, Volume 5, Number 3, p.37-59, (1994)
The Church Struggling to be Universal: A Mexican American Perspective, Tarango, Yolanda , International Review of Mission, April, Volume 78, Number 310, p.167-173, (1989)
Galilean Journey: The Mexican-American Promise, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Maryknoll, NY, (1983)
El Caminar del Galileo, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , San Antonio, TX, (2002)
Catholic Church -- Middle West -- History.
Mexican Migration to the Midwest and East, Sandoval, Moises , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.255-267, (1983)
Catholic Church -- Missions -- United States.
Lamy's Legacy: Catholic Institutions of New Mexico Territory, Hanks, Nancy , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.385-415, (1998)
Catholic Church -- United States.
Dynamics of the Catholic Church: from Pastoral to Social Concerns, McNamara, Patrick H. , The Mexican-American People: the nation's second largest minority, New York, NY, p.449-485, (1970)

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