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Book Chapter
El Lenguaje de la Cultura Hispana y la Liturgia, Tobar, Dora , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, p.63-77, (2004)
Feathered Psalms: Old World Forms in a New World Garb, Lara, Jaime , The Psalms in Community, Ashgate, (2004)
Spanish Phonetics for Church Musicians, Florian, Lorenzo R. , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.99-103, (2004)
Signs of the Times: Towards a Hispanic Rite, Quizás, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.61-70, (2004)
The Language of Faith, Prayer, and Religion, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
The Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Season of Advent, Johnson, Max , Worship: Rites, Feasts and Reflections, Portland, p.243-262, (2004)
The Liturgical Roots of Hispanic Popular Religiosity, Lara, Jaime , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.25-33, (2004)
The Language of the Arts, Lara, Jaime , Languages of Worship/El Lenguaje de la Liturgia, Chicago, IL, (2004)
The Liturgical Year and Hispanic Customs, López, José , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.34-41, (2004)
Our Place: Inculturating [Anglo] Liturgical Space, Oliver, Juan M. C. , The Chant of Life: inculturation and the people of the land, New York, NY, p.100-120, (2003)
Introduction to Hispanic Popular Catholicism, Davis, Kenneth G. , Bilingual Ritual of Hispanic Popular Catholicism, New Hope, KY, (2002)
Cross Cultural Preaching, Davis, Kenneth G. , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, (2000)
Living and Sharing the Word among Hispanics, Icaza, Rosa María , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.27-40, (2000)
Preaching the Rituals Masses among Latinos, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Fall/Winter, Number 3, Chicago, IL, p.103-119, (2000)
Participative Preaching: Laity as Co-Authors of the Homily, Iglesias, Maria Luisa , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.62-74, (2000)
Preaching and Popular Religion, Sosa, Juan J. , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.93-102, (2000)
The Juxtaposition of Dangerous Memories: Toward a Latino Theology of Preaching from the Underside of the Diaspora Experience, Presmanes, Jorge , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.5-26, (2000)
Visual Preaching: The Witness of Our Latin Eyes, Lara, Jaime , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.75-92, (2000)
The Defeat of Visual Aesthetic Arianism, Wedig, Mark E. , Source and Summit: commemorating Josef A. Jungmann, S.J., Collegeville, MN, p.211-223, (1999)
Hispanic Liturgy and Popular Religiosity, Sosa, Juan J. , El Cuerpo de Cristo: The Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Catholic Church , New York, NY, p.66-77, (1998)
Introducción a la Instrucción General para uso del Misal Romano, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Los Documentos Litúrgicos: Un Recurso Pastoral, Winter, Chicago, IL, (1997)
Introducion para el Lector: Ambiente y Arte en el Culto Catolico, Lara, Jaime , Los Documentos Liturgicos, Chicago, IL, (1997)
Presiding in Spanish as a Second Language, Davis, Kenneth G. , Misa, Mesa y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, (1997)
Advertencia a la tercera edición en español, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , El Misterio de Fe: Estudio de los Elementos Estructurales del Ordinario de la Misa, Washington, DC, (1996)
Hispanic Catholic Prayer and Worship, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Alabadle! Hispanic Christian Worship, Nashville, TN, p.29-41, 125-127, (1996)

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