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Religious Vocations
'Underneath' Hispanic Vocations, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , New Theology Review, Nov, Volume 3, Number 4, p.72-79, (1990)
Is There a Place for Hispanic Candidates in U.S. Seminaries?, Icaza, Rosa María , Call to Growth/Ministry, Chicago, IL, (1987)
Vocation Planning for the Year 2000, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference, Summer, Volume 20, Number 4, p.12-16, (1995)
Why Target Latinos in Vocation Ministry?, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Vocations and Prayer , July/Sept, Volume III, Number 9, p.5-7, 13, 23, 30, (1992)
Hispanic Faith and Culture--and U.S.A. religious, Loya, Gloria Ines , Review for Religious, May-June, Volume 53, Number 3, p.460-66, (1994)
Movement from Monocultural to Multi-cultural Congregations, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Review for Religious, September-Octobe, Volume 55, Number 5, p.507-520, (1996)
Quintessential Quinceañera Questions, Davis, Kenneth G. , Today's Liturgy, 11 June-2 Septem, Volume Ordinary T, p.20-24, (2006)
Quince Años: celebrating a tradition, Erevia, Angela , Catechist, March, p.10-11, (1989)
Celebrating the Quinceañera as a Symbol of Faith and Culture, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, March/April, Schiller Park, IL, p.104-115, (2004)
A Remembrance of my Quince Años: complete liturgy for Quince Años mass, Erevia, Angela , San Antonio, TX, (1992)
Religious Celebrations for the Quinceañera, Erevia, Angela , San Antonio, TX, (1980)
A Quinceañera Mass, Mayer, Robert , Modern Liturgy, October, Volume 3, Number 7, p.28-29, (1976)
Quincentenary of Columbus
The Trashing of the Fifth Centenary, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, 19 December, Volume 167, p.499-501, (1992)
Puerto Rican Catholics
Oxcart Catholicism on Fifth Avenue: the impact of the Puerto Rican migration upon the Archdiocese of New York, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Notre Dame studies in American Catholicism, Volume 12, Notre Dame, IN,, 295 p., (1993)
Puerto Ricans -- Religious life and customs
The Dilemma of Social Research and Social Policy: the Puerto Rican case, 1953-1993, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities, Volume II, New York, NY, p.173-181, (1995)
Puerto Ricans
Catholic Ethos as Politics: The Puerto Rican Nationalists, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Twentieth-Century World Religious Movements in Neo-Weberian Perspective, Lewiston, NY, p.172-193, (1992)
Prophesy Freedom: Puerto Rico women's literature as a source for Latina feminist theology, Delgado, Teresa , A Reader in Latina Feminist Theology: Religion and Justice, Austin, TX, p.xx, 300 p. ; 24 cm., (2002)
Providence -- Theology of
Providence and Histories: one Hispanic's view, Herrera, Marina , Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Volume 44, p.7-11, (1989)
Proselytism and the Hispanic Catholic: How Long Can We Cry Wolf?, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, December 10, Volume 159, p.485-490, (1988)
Preferential Option for the Poor
Responsabilidad Social Cristiana: Una Opción por los Pobres / Christian Social Responsibility: An Option for the Poor, Urrabazo, Rosendo , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.122-133 (Spanish); 297-307 (English), (1992)
Dimensiones Sociales del Plan Pastoral / Social Dimensions of the Pastoral Plan, Antoncich, Ricardo , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.82-89 (Spanish); 257-264 (English), (1992)
Proclaiming a Fascinating God, Herrera, Marina , Dimensions, Summer, (1979)
Reflections on "Communities of Salt and Light": Preaching the Social Mission of the Church in the Hispanic/Latino Parish, Presmanes, Jorge; Wedig, Mark E. , Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Scranton, PA, p.60-67, (2005)
Preaching the Teaching: Hispanics, Homiletics, and Catholic Social Justice Doctrine, Davis, Kenneth G.; Peréz, Leopoldo , Scranton, PA, p.xv, 228 p., (2005)
Preaching to Generation X, Alvarez, Victor , Preaching and Culture in Latino Congregations, Chicago, IL, p.120-139, (2000)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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