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Our Cry for Life: Feminist Theology from Latin America, Aquino, María Pilar , Maryknoll, NY, p.viii, 254, (1993)
Oxcart Catholicism on Fifth Avenue: the impact of the Puerto Rican migration upon the Archdiocese of New York, Díaz-Stevens, Ana María , Notre Dame studies in American Catholicism, Volume 12, Notre Dame, IN,, 295 p., (1993)
Sin Fronteras: lineamientos para una Catequésis Evangelizadora, Comite Episcopal de Baja y Alta California , México, (1993)
A Remembrance of my Quince Años: complete liturgy for Quince Años mass, Erevia, Angela , San Antonio, TX, (1992)
Nuestro Clamor por la Vida: Teología Latinoamericana de la Liberación desde la Perspectiva de la Mujer, Aquino, María Pilar , San José, Costa Rica, p.244 p, (1992)
The Black Legends and Catholic Hispanic Culture: Liberation Theology and the History of the New World, Caponnetto, Antonio; Lopez-Gaston, Jose R.; Lopez-Gaston, Rosa M. , St. Louis, MO, p.xxxii, 173, (1991)
Cold Anger: a Story of Faith and Power Politics, Rogers, Mary Beth , Denton, TX, p.iv, 222 p., (1990)
Expectations and Experiences of Hispanic Catholics and Converts to Protestant Churches, Marin, Gerardo; Gamba, Raymond J. , Technical report / University of San Francisco, Social Psychology Laboratory, Hispanic Studies, Volume 2, San Francisco, CA, p.35 p., (1990)
On the Move: A History of the Hispanic Church in the United States, Sandoval, Moises , Maryknoll, NY, p.152 pp., (1990)
Ritual Para Ocasiones Especiales, Carral, Anselmo; Rodríguez, Isaías , New York, NY, p.314 p., (1990)
Catholic Celebration: a reflection on the liturgical renewal, Icaza, Rosa María , San Antonio, TX, (1989)
El Perfil Pastoral de Félix Varela, Estévez, Felipe J. , Miami, FL, (1989)
The Second Wave: Hispanic Ministry and the Evangelization of Cultures, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Mahwah, NJ, (1989)
Hispanic Traditions of Padrinos & Madrinas, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Chicago, IL, (1988)
Popular Catholicism: a Hispanic perspective, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , American Essays in Liturgy, Volume 9, Washington, DC, (1988)
The U.S. Catholic Church and its Hispanic Members: the pastoral vision of Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, Privett, Stephen A. , San Antonio, TX, (1988)
Novenario Por Los Difuntos, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Chicago, IL, (1987)
One Church, Many Cultures: challenge of diversity, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Kansas City, MO, p.205 p., (1987)
Chicanos, Catholicism and Political Ideology, Mosqueda, L. J. , Lanham, MD, (1986)
Latinos in the United States: The Sacred and the Political, Abalos, David , Notre Dame, IN, p.xviii, 204 p., (1986)
The Hispanic Catholic in the United States: a socio-cultural and religious profile, González, Roberto O.; La Velle, Michael , New York, NY, (1985)
Adult Religious Education for the Hispanic Community, Herrera, Marina , (1984)
The Hispanic Presence: Challenge and Commitment, National Conference of Catholic Bishops , Washington, DC, (1984)
Carisma y misión, Espín, Orlando O. , Madrid, (1983)
Cuban Americans: Masters of Survival, Llanes, Jose , Cambridge, MA, (1982)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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