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La Familia Hispana y el Plan Pastoral / Hispanic Family and the Pastoral Plan, Torres, Baldomero; Torres, Mavi , Visión Profética: Reflexiones pastorales sobre el plan pastoral para el ministerio Hispano / Prophetic Vision: pastoral reflections on the National pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry , Kansas City, MO, p.122-133 (Spanish); 297-307 (English), (1992)
Fiesta, Worship and Family: essays on Mexican-American perception on liturgy and family life, Ramírez, Ricardo , San Antonio, TX, (1981)
La Familia: Channel of faith and culture, Ramírez, Ricardo , La Luz, October, Volume 7, Number 10, p.20-22, (1978)
Hispanic Family Life Ministry, Marquez Marinas, Gelasia , El Cuerpo de Cristo: The Hispanic Presence in the U.S. Catholic Church, New York, NY, p.251-257, (1998)
The Social Fabric of the Hispanic Community, Moore, Joan , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns, Notre Dame, IN, p.6-49, (1994)
Pastoral Care to Hispanic Military Families, Juarez-Palma, Nils , Military Chaplains' Review, Summer, p.9-18, (1992)
Hablemos del Compadrazgo en la Familia Hispana, Herrera, Marina , Chicago, IL, (1982)
La Navidad: Tiempo de Familia, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , La Red, December, Milwaukee, WI, (1990)
Faith and Stability Among Hispanic Families: the role of religion in cultural transition, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Families and Religions: conflict and change in modern society, Beverly Hills, CA, p.221-242, (1983)
Consecrate Consecrate: Hispanic Home Rituals and the Liturgy of the Catholic Church, Davis, Kenneth G. , Liturgy, Volume 21, Number 4, p.53-60, (2006)
Vida Familiar Cristiana: Perspectivas Hispanas, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Christus, March, México, (1983)
A Hispanic Perspective on Christian Family Life, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, 19 December, Volume 145, p.400-402, (1981)
Pastorcitos del Monte Venid, Cavazos-González, Gilberto , Catolica, December 5th, (2004)
Cara y Corazón: Raices religiosas en un mexicoamericano, Cavazos-González, Gilberto , Critica, January, Volume LIII, Number 901, p.52-53, (2003)
La Navidad Hispana: at home and at church, Arias, Miguel; Francis, Mark R.; Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Chicago, IL, p.viii,107, (2000)

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