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Multicultural Catechesis, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, Feb, Volume 16, p.16, (1983)
Mary in Hispanic Piety, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, April, p.18, (1983)
Church Structures for The Hispanics, Sandoval, Moises , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.413-438, (1983)
Daily Life in the Frontier, Hendren, Luciano C. , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.103-139, (1983)
Reflections on the Hispanization of the Liturgy, Ramírez, Ricardo , Worship, Number 57, p.26-34, (1983)
The Bishops' Pastoral on Hispanic Ministry, Morales, Cecilio J., Jr. , America, Volume 149, p.7, (1983)
Particular Characteristics towards a 'Pastoral Hispana', Erevia, Angela , Apuntes, Spr, Volume 4, p.11-13, (1984)
Recurso: Guadalpue, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Liturgy 80, November and Dec, (1984)
The Latin American church in the United States, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Thought, June, Volume 59, Number 233, p.244-254, (1984)
The Hispanic Presence: Challenge and Commitment, National Conference of Catholic Bishops , Washington, DC, (1984)
Hispanic Spirituality, Ramírez, Ricardo , Social Thought, Summer, Number 11, p.6-13, (1985)
Novenario, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Liturgy 80, October, (1985)
Novenario, Part II, Pérez Rodríguez, Arturo , Liturgy 80, November-Decembe, (1985)
Hispanic Dimensions of Baptism, Herrera, Marina , Catechist, November, p.38-39, (1985)
Self Affirmation of the Hispanic Church, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , The Ecumenist, March-April, (1985)
Self-Affirmation of the Hispanic Church, Romero, C. Gilbert , The Ecumenist, Mar-Apr, Volume 23, Number 3, p.39-42, (1985)
Religion and Culture in the Hispanic Community as a Context for Religious Education: Impact of popular religiosity on U.S. Hispanics, Herrera, Marina , Living Light, January, Volume 21, Number 2, p.126-146, (1985)
Saints in the Hispanic community, Zapata, Dominga M. , Liturgy, Fall, Volume 5, Number 2, p.59-63, (1985)
Fundamentalism and the Hispanic Catholic, Deck, Allan Figueroa , America, 26 January, p.64-66, (1985)
Latins and Louisianians Celebrate the Saints, McNaspy, C. , Liturgy, Volume 5, Number 2, (1985)
The Hispanic Catholic in the United States: a socio-cultural and religious profile, González, Roberto O.; La Velle, Michael , New York, NY, (1985)
Hispanic Vocations: Light at the End of the Tunnel, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Call to Growth in Ministry, Winter, Volume 11, Number 2, p.12-18, (1986)
Toward Multicultural Youth Ministry, Herrera, Marina , Readings in Youth Ministry, Spring, Volume 1, Number 1, (1986)
Rural Hispanic Ministry, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Rural Roots, May/June, Volume 5, Number 1, (1986)
Hispanic Vocations: What Happens Once You've Got Them?, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Priest, March, Volume 42, p.18-22, (1986)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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