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Filters: keyword is Evangelistic work -- Catholic Church.  [Clear All Filters]
Theological Method
Pastoral de Conjunto, Pineda, Ana María , New Theology Review, November, Volume 3, Number 4, Collegeville, MN, p.28-34, (1990)
Religious Vocations
Religious: evangelizers in a new context, De Luna, Anita , Origins, Volume 23, p.201, (1993)
Pastoral care
El modelo Profetas de Esperanza : taller para un fin de semana, Arnouil, Eduardo; Cervantes, Carmen Maria , Winona, MN, (1997)
Multiculturalism -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
The National Parish and Americanization, Matovina, Timothy M. , U.S. Catholic Historian, Winter, Volume 17, Number 1, p.45-58, (1999)
The Christian Identity and Mission of the Catholic Hispanic in the United States, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Hispanic Catholics in the United States, New York, p.61-71, (1980)
Evangelizing Hispanics in the South, Tarango, Yolanda , Mission 2009: The Future of the Catholic Church in the South, Atlanta, GA, (1990)
Hispanic American Catholics -- Religious life.
Evangelization as Conceptual Framework for the Church's Mission: The Case of U.S. Hispanics, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Evangelizing America, Mahwah, NJ, p.85-110, (2004)
Evangelistic work -- Catholic Church.
La Misión Evangelizadora de la Iglesia, Aquino, María Pilar , Revista Cardoner, Guatemala, p.63-85, (2000)
Machacamarca, Bolivia, Bilgrien, Marie Vianney , Sisters Today, Volume 61, p.225, (1989)
An Interpretation of Evangelization: Jon Sobrino's christology and ecclesiology in dialogue, Fagan, Eileen M. , San Francisco, CA, p.xviii, 273 p., (1998)
Faith, Freedom and Cultural Difference: Cuernavaca and Christian mission, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , International Review of Mission, Jl, Volume 59, p.333-340, (1970)
Evangelization and Pluralism in American Society, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Mid Stream, Sum, Volume 8, p.40-56, (1969)
Your Mission, Should you Choose to Accept It, Hinojosa, Juan Lorenzo , U.S. Catholic, Volume 64, p.34, (1999)
Catholic Church -- Rites -- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Evangelization, Inculturation and the RCIA, Wedig, Mark E. , Worship, N, Volume 76, Number 6, p.503-520, (2002)
Evangelization, Inculturation, and the RCIA, Wedig, Mark E. , Catechumenate, Sep, Volume 26, Number 5, p.2-19, (2004)
Catholic Church -- United States -- History.
Héroes de las Américas: 500 Años de Evangelización, Gómez Ruiz, Raúl , La Red, December, Milwaukee, WI, (1991)
Catholic Church
The New Evangelization in Latin American Perspective, Peterson, Anna Lisa; Vásquez, Manuel A. , Cross Currents, Fall, Volume 48, Number 3, p.311-329, (1998)

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