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Caribbean Contribution, Zapata, Dominga M. , Perspectivas: Hispanic ministry, Kansas City, MO, p.13-21, (1995)
The Caribbean Hispanic Contribution: a Puerto Rican perspective, Zapata, Dominga M. , The Catholic World, November/Decembe, Volume 233, p.257-62, (1990)
The American Church and the Puerto Rican People, Vidal, Jaime R. , U.S. Catholic Historian, April, Volume 9, Number 1-2, p.119-135, (1990)
Letters to Elpidio. A critical translation, Varela, Félix; Estévez, Felipe J. , Sources of American Spirituality, New York, NY, p.xviii, 344 p., (1989)
The Church Struggling to be Universal: A Mexican American Perspective, Tarango, Yolanda , International Review of Mission, April, Volume 78, Number 310, p.167-173, (1989)
National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic ministry, The editors , Origins, 10 December, Volume 17, p.449+, (1987)
The Church in Texas, Tafolla, Carmen , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, San Antonio, TX, p.183-194, (1983)
Correction, Sí; Defection, No: Hispanics and U.S. Catholicism, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , America, July 7-14, Volume 189, Number 1/4615, p.16-18, (2003)
Puerto Rican Struggles in the Catholic Church, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Historical Perspectives on Puerto Rican Survival in the United States, Princeton, NJ, p.155-165, (1996)
Hispanic Ministry: Three Major Documents, Secretariado de Asuntos Hispanos, USCC , Washington, DC, (1995)
The Organization of a Hispanic Church, Sandoval, Moises , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns , Notre Dame, IN, p.131-165, (1994)
The Church Among the Hispanics in the United States, Sandoval, Moises , The Church in Latin America, 1492 1992, Maryknoll, NY, p.230-242, (1992)
On the Move: A History of the Hispanic Church in the United States, Sandoval, Moises , Maryknoll, NY, p.152 pp., (1990)
El Campesino Hispano y las Iglesias en los Estados Unidos, Sandoval, Moises , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Number 96, p.7-19, (1988)
Voces Profeticas: El Documento del Proceso del III Encuentro Nacional Hispano de Pastoral, Secretariado de Asuntos Hispanos, USCC , III Encuentro Nacional Hispano de Pastoral, Washington, DC, (1986)
Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Sandoval, Moises , General history of the church in Latin America, Volume 10, San Antonio, TX, p.470 p., (1983)
Missionary Beginnings in Spanish Florida, the Southwest and California, Santos, Ricardo , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.3-54, (1983)
The Organization of the Church on the Frontier, Santos, Ricardo , Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Volume X, San Antonio, TX, p.55-102, (1983)
The Hispano Model of Church: A People on the March, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M.; Ramírez, Ana María Días , New Catholic World, July/August, Volume 223, Number 1336, p.153-157, (1980)
Voz Profética Voz ccompasiva: The Latino/a Catholic's contribution to the church, Rodríguez, Jeanette , The Church and Human Freedom: forty years after Gaudium et espes, Villanova, PA, (2006)
Weaving the Tapestry: The Task of the Church in the U.S., Ramirez, Ricardo , Misa, Mesa, y Musa: Liturgy in the U.S. Hispanic Church, Schiller Park, IL, p.6-16, (2004)
Strategies on the Left: Catholics and Race , Riebe-Estrella, Gary , What's Left?: Liberal American Catholics, Bloomington, IN, p.205-219, (1999)
Begetting the Mexican American: Padre Martínez and the 1847 Rebellion, Romero, Juan , Seeds of Struggle/Harvest of Faith: The Papers of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Catholic Cuarto Centennial Conference. The History of the Catholic Church in New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, p.345-371, (1998)
American Catholic Cultural Shifts and Religious Life, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference, Convocation, Volume 12, Number 4, p.12-26, (1996)
American Catholic Culture and Vocation Ministry, Riebe-Estrella, Gary , National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors , Sept 18-23, p.16-22, (1994)

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