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Intercultural theology
La Teología Integrada a la Vida de la Iglesia, Elizondo, Virgilio P. , Páginas, Diciembre, Number 6, p.14-16, (1981)
The Enculturation of Hispanics in the Catholic Church, Ponce, Frank , Agenda, Volume 10, Number 6, p.11-15, (1980)
Response to Peter C. Phan: Contemporary theology and inculturation in the United States, Goizueta, Roberto S. , The Multicultural Church: a new landscape in U.S. theologies, New York, NY, p.131-139, (1996)
Hispanic American Catholics -- History.
El Campesino Hispano y las Iglesias en los Estados Unidos, Sandoval, Moises , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Number 96, p.7-19, (1988)
Hispanic American Catholics -- Religious life.
Correction, Sí; Defection, No: Hispanics and U.S. Catholicism, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , America, July 7-14, Volume 189, Number 1/4615, p.16-18, (2003)
The Hispanic Presence: Hope and Challenge for Catholicity, Pineda, Ana María , New Theology Review, August, Number 2, p.30-36, (1989)
Hispanic American Catholics
The Latin American church in the United States, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P. , Thought, June, Volume 59, Number 233, p.244-254, (1984)
The Hispanic Presence in the Church in the United States, Albacete, Lorenzo , Origins, August, Number 25, p.157-161, (1995)
U.S. Catholicism in One America, Matovina, Timothy M. , American Catholic Studies Newsletter, Fall, Volume 29, Number 2, p.1, 8-9, (2002)
Strangers and Aliens No Longer, Part One: The Hispanic presence in the church in the United States, Hemrick, Eugene F. , Washington, DC, p.133 p., (1993)
Hispanic Americans -- Religion.
Fronteras: a history of the Latin American Church in the USA since 1513, Sandoval, Moises , General history of the church in Latin America, Volume 10, San Antonio, TX, p.470 p., (1983)
Hispanic Americans and the Church in the Northeast: response to a survey, Fitzpatrick, Joseph P.; González, Roberto O. , New York, NY, p.89 leaves, (1977)
Feminist/feminista theology
La Mujer Hispana: Voz Profética en la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos, Isasi-Díaz, Ada María , Pro Mundi Vita, Brussels, Belgium, (1982)
The Challenge of Evangelical/Pentecostal Christianity to Hispanic Catholicism, Deck, Allan Figueroa , Hispanic Catholic Culture in the U.S.: Issues and Concerns, Notre Dame, IN, p.409-439, (1994)
Response to Orlando Espín, Collins, Mary , The Multicultural Church: a new landscape in U.S. theologies, New York, NY, p.72-78, (1996)
Base Communities: Changing the Chemistry of the Church, Davis, Kenneth G. , The Catholic World, November-Decembe, Volume 233, p.281-285, (1990)
Further Reflections on the Christology and Ecclesiology of Small Ecclesial Communities, Garcia, Sixto J. , Small Christian Communities: imagining future church, South Bend, IN, p.119-126, (1997)
The Hispano Model of Church: A People on the March, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M.; Ramírez, Ana María Días , New Catholic World, July/August, Volume 223, Number 1336, p.153-157, (1980)
Voz Profética Voz ccompasiva: The Latino/a Catholic's contribution to the church, Rodríguez, Jeanette , The Church and Human Freedom: forty years after Gaudium et espes, Villanova, PA, (2006)
The Church Struggling to be Universal: A Mexican American Perspective, Tarango, Yolanda , International Review of Mission, April, Volume 78, Number 310, p.167-173, (1989)
Latino/a Theology, Espín, Orlando O. , Catholic Theological Society of America Proceedings, Volume 56, p.121-123, (2001)
Cuban Americans
Puerto Rican and Cuban Catholics in the U.S., 1900-1965, Dolan, Jay P.; Vidal, Jaime R. , The Notre Dame History of Hispanic Catholics in the U.S., Notre Dame, IN, p.256 pp., (1994)
Church work with Hispanic Americans.
Hispanics: How can the Church respond to their presence?, Herrera, Marina , PACE, April and May, Number 12, (1982)
Hispanic Catholic Leadership: Key to the Future, Davis, Kenneth G.; Hernandez, Andrew; Lampe, Philip E. , Emerging Voices, Urgent Choices: essays on Latino/a religious leadership, Volume 4, Leiden; Boston, p.37, (2006)
Latino/a Catholic Leaders in the United States, Gray, Mark M.; Gautier, Mary L. , Emerging Voices, Urgent Choices: Essays on latino/a religious leadership, Volume 4, Leiden; Boston, p.65, (2006)

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