
Found 4 results

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Filters: keyword is Canary and Caribbean Islands  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Praxis y persistencia de la religión taina, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Anales del Caribe, Volume 13, La Habana, Cuba, p.129-144, (1993)
The Inter-Atlantic Paradigm: The Failure of Spanish Medieval Colonialization of the Canary and Caribbean Islands, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , Comparative Studies in Society and History, July, Volume 35, Number 3, p.515-543, (1993)
Book Chapter
Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean, Aquino, María Pilar , Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion, New York, NY, p.451-453, (1998)
Las tres sorpresas de los Taínos del Caribe, Stevens-Arroyo, Anthony M. , La sorpresa de europa: el encuentro de culturas en la época de los grandes descubrimientos, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, p.81-107, (1997)

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The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the U.S. (ACHTUS)


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