
Found 17 results

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'Imagenes de Dios en el Camino': Retablos, Ex-Votos, 'Milagritos', and Murals, Pineda, Ana María , Theological Studies, June, Volume 65, Number 2, p.364-378, (2004)
Art and the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience , Casarella, Peter J. , Introduction to the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Volume 2, Boston, MA, p.143-69, (2004)
Film and the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience: representations of religion in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, Delgadillo, Theresa , Introduction to the U.S. Latina and Latino Religious Experience, Volume 2, Boston, MA, p.xii, 322 p., (2004)
A Wounded Innocence: Sketches for a Theology of Art, García-Rivera, Alejandro , Collegeville, MN, (2003)
A Wounded Innocence: Sketches for a Theology of Art and its Implications for a New Ecumenism, García-Rivera, Alejandro , Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, My, Volume 9, Number 4, p.5-20, (2002)
The Significance of Art for Christian Theology, Viladesau, Richard R. , Chicago Studies, Fall-Wint 2002, Volume 41, Number 3, p.229-238, (2002)
Educating for Inculturation: Reasons Why the Arts Cannot Be Ignored, Fernández, Eduardo C. , The Future of the Arts in Worship and Religious Education, San Jose, p.139-144, (2002)
Theology and the Arts: encountering God through music, art, and rhetoric, Viladesau, Richard R. , New York, NY,, 270 p., (2000)
'Bautismo de Jesús,' A Magnificent Bulto by Santero Filimón Agular, Toomey, Don , Catholic Southwest, Volume 10, p.51-60, (1999)
Postmodern Art and Religious Imagination, Rodríguez, Jeanette , New Religion, Tacoma, WA, (1999)
The Community of the Beautiful: A Theological Aesthetics, García-Rivera, Alejandro , Collegeville, MN, (1999)
Theological Aesthetics: God in imagination, beauty, and art, Viladesau, Richard R. , New York, NY, p.xi, 294 p., (1999)
The Hidden Treasure of Environment and Art in Catholic Worship, Lara, Jaime , Gracias, Volume 1, Number 5, Chicago, (1999)
Our Saints Among Us: 400 years of New Mexican devotional art, Awalt, Barbe; Rhetts, Paul , Albuquerque, NM, (1998)
The Regis Santos: thirty years of collecting 1966-1996, Steele, Thomas J.; Awalt, Barbe; Rhetts, Paul , Albuquerque, NM, p.91 p., (1997)
Estado actual del arte liturgico en los Estados Unidos, Lara, Jaime , Actas del Primer Simposio Internacional de Arte Sacro en Mexico, Mexico City, (1992)
The Confrontation of Two Dissimilar Cultures: The Adobe Church in New Mexico, Hanlon, Don , Journal of Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art, and Architecture, Winter, Volume 9, Number 17, p.17-20, (1991)

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