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Feminist Intercultural Theology: Latina Explorations for a Just World, Aquino, María Pilar; Rosado Nuñez, María José , Maryknoll, NY, (2007)
The Concept of Pueblo as a Paradigm for Explaining the Religious Experience of Latinos, Rosado, Caleb , Old Masks, New Faces: Religion and Latino Identities, Volume II, New York, NY, p.77-91, (1995)
El papel de la Teología de la Liberación en la identidad social de los Latinos, Rosado, Caleb , Cristianismo y Sociedad, Volume 93/94, 31/, Number 118-119, p.63-78, (1994)
The Church, the City, and the Compassionate Christ, Rosado, Caleb , Voces: Voices from the Hispanic Church, Nashville, TN, p.72-80, (1992)

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